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Most of the Buffy Phenomenon presents the results of a statistical analysis of fan opinion. This page presents the Webmaster's opinions. Most of the links below are to reviews of Region 1 DVDs (that is, DVDs for the United States and Canada), including a review of each episode. Several Buffy guidebooks include various categories or headings following a plot summary of the episode. The reviews below follow the same rough format. The Introduction to the Review Format link below provides an explanation for the categories.

In addition to episode reviews, there is the occasional essay that expands on an issue raised in the episode. Also, each season has a single-page review of all episodes and a review of the DVD extras. These extras appear on Region 1 DVDs and may or may not appear on DVDs for other regions.

A note on spoilers: Each review or essay assumes that readers have seen all episodes that are listed above that particular essay. For example, the review of "Innocence" assumes that readers have seen all episodes through Innocence. The essays at the bottom of the page assume that readers have seen all 144 episodes. The reviews and essays largely avoid providing spoilers for later episodes except for the Spoiler Question section at the bottom of episode reviews. The answers, which supply spoilers, are in hidden text.


Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

Season Seven

Show Summary


This page was last modified on March 1, 2013