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Season 3 DVD Extras

Note that extras tied to specific episodes are reviewed with those episodes.

Disc 3

Art Gallery contains 30 still photographs. Most of the photographs are of the regular characters, but 13 are of various vampires and demons. It contains very mild spoilers through the end of the season.

Buffy Speak Featurette contains interviews with Jane Espenson, Douglas Petrie, Joss Whedon, Marti Noxon, and David Fury. It mostly involves the writers discussing how they use slang on the show. We learn that the slang comes mostly from the way Joss Whedon speaks rather than from the way that actual teenagers speak. However, each character has her or his own voice. There are mild spoilers through the penultimate episode of the third season.

Season 3 Overview Featurette contains interviews with Jane Epsenson, Marti Noxon, David Fury, Douglas Petrie, Joss Whedon, Eliza Dushku, Harry Groener, Alexis Denisof, Charisma Carpenter, Nicholas Brendon, Kristine Sutherland, James Marsters, and Danny Strong. The season is divided into various character arcs such as Buffy & Angel, Faith, the Mayor, and Wesley as well as key episodes such as "Band Candy," "Lovers Walk," "Bad Girls" & "Consequences," "Earshot," and "Graduation Day." We learn that one of the main themes of the season was how Buffy and Angel could no longer function as a couple. Also, the writers discussed how Faith was a representation of what Buffy could have been under different circumstances, how Wesley's appearance broadened what Giles could do, and how the final battle in "Graduation Day" fulfilled Charisma Carpenter's wish to kill a vampire on screen. Kristine Sutherland also expressed a wish to expand the Spike/Joyce relationship. There are spoilers through the end of the season.

Disc 6

Wardrobe Featurette describes the process in selecting costumes used in the show. There is a description of the thought behind the costumes for several of the characters. It includes interviews with Janes Espenson, Marti Noxon, Cynthia Bergstrom, Charisma Carpenter, Harry Groener, and David Fury. We learn that the actors, particularly Sarah Michelle Gellar, lobby to get better clothes for their characters. Also, the costume department originally thought that Mayor Wilkins was a good guy. If I cared about clothing, I might have found this featurette to be interesting, but I do not care about clothing. This episode does not contain spoilers beyond the third season.

Weapons Featurette discussed the various prop weapons used on the show. It includes interviews with Jane Espenson, David Fury, Douglas Petrie, Randy Eriksen, Marti Noxon, and Harry Groener. The weapons discussed included stakes, swords, crossbows, battle axes, and knives. There is a bit of a discussion on why they use medieval weaponry. We learn that the stakes and the letter opener in "Enemies" are retractable and that the crossbows barely shoot the bolt beyond the camera frame. This featurette is a bit more interesting than the one on costumes, but not by much. Again, there are no spoilers beyond season three.

Special Effects Featurette includes interviews with Douglas Petrie, Loni Peristere, Chris Jones, and Robert Hubbard. A fair amount of the focus is on the effect of vampires dusting and on filming the two Willows in "Doppelgangland." It also discusses morphing into or out of vampire face, the pool in "Anne," lightning in "Revelations," the giant snake in "Band Candy," splitting the Mayor's head in "Bad Girls," and the ascended Mayor in "Graduation Day, Part 2." This is probably the most interesting of the three featurettes. Once again, there are no spoilers beyond season 3.

Interview with Monster Maker John Vulich In this interview, John Vulich shows off some of the monster masks and props used during season three. Like the featurettes on this disk, there are no spoilers beyond season three.

This page was last modified on January 2, 2013